Frank Staal (LUMC) gave a general talk on gene therapy on the ”Symposium Primaire Immuundeficiëntie: De Toekomst” in Rotterdam on 25 April 2018. This symposium was mainly meant for patients, their families and care givers in recognition of World Primary Immunodeficiencies (WPIW) celebration. A striking moment was when Mrs. Jose Drabwell, president of IPOPI (International Patients Organization for Primary Immunodeficiencies), a full partner in RECOMB, was awarded a Dutch royal award by Mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb, mayor of Rotterdam. Order of Orange-Nassau distinction is attributed to individuals who, through personal commitment, vision and skills, benefited society, especially at the international level. It has been awarded to Mrs. Drabwell in recognition of her services and long and outstanding contribution to the primary immunodeficiencies (PID) community internationally. Congratulations to Jose for this well-deserved distinction!